Spring 2019

Project Community Returns in July

Peninsula Poverty Response (PCC) will return on July 13, 2021, 10:00AM to 3:00 PM, at Long Beach Elementary School, 400 S. Washington Street, Long Beach, Washington. Originally scheduled for January 2021, Covid restrictions made holding the event impossible. As Washington State continues to open up and summer approaches, holding PCC outdoors is not just possible, we're making it a reality. 

This annual event is designed much like a health or community fair, except PCC is specific for the needs of our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. Who would benefit from attending the event? Families who qualify for free and reduced lunch, low-incoming housing residents, and anyone needing to apply for food coupons, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, medical benefits, housing or energy assistance. We also offer free haircuts, Covid testing, Covid shots, and box lunches for everyone. Pacific Transit will be free during the event and has a stop just a block from Long Beach Elementary School. There will be supervised children's events and play during PCC.

Volunteers are needed for the event to help register guests, answer questions, guide guests through the event making sure everyone gets what they need. Volunteer applications are available at https://peninsulapovertyresponse.org/project-homeless-connect/.

Planning for the Future

PPR has helped dozens of people this winter with feeding individuals and families, purchasing fuel, sleeping warmer and dryer with new sleeping bags, tents and tarps, providing showers at our local state parks with Discover Passes, and giving guidance to important community resources. In August, PPR will provide family hygiene kits for families attending the annual Pack2School event. Family hygiene kits include family size shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, and female hygiene supplies. Each year more than 200 families attend Pack2School.

In September, the eviction moratorium ends, and no one knows how this will impact our community. State and local agencies are predicting a dramatic increase in the number of unhoused families. We are preparing now for this increase by considering what services and support we can provide to families in transition and crises. One of our goals is to be able to provide some form of temporary shelter, beyond sleeping bags and tents, to these families. As the needs of our community change, we will be here providing assistance to those most fragile. Please help PPR continue our work. Mail checks to, PPR, PO Box 655, Ocean Park, WA 98640

How to Shop Using Amazon Smile

You shop and Peninsula Poverty Response reaps the benefits. It's a painless way to give. Here's how you do it.

1. Visit smile.amazon.com.

2. Sign in with your Amazon.com.

3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations.

4. Select Peninsula Poverty Response.

4. Start shopping!

5. Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at Amazon Smile.


Spring 2020