Holidays 2022
Giving Tuesday - You Gave!
Thank you to everyone who gave on Giving Tuesday. Your gifts totaled more than $2,500! Each donation touches lives in our community. Through your gifts, PPR is able to reach out to those in need. These include the young mother who needs gas to take her child to a dental appointment, an elder who needs help with food for her visiting grandkids, and the unsheltered young man who is cold and wet and needs a tent and sleeping bag. Thanks to your generosity, PPR will be able to further extend our acts of kindness to our neighbors in need. Thank you for making our work possible.
Undie Sunday
Every year, PPR gathers new underwear, socks, and sports bras in original packaging. This year, Undie Sunday is on January 15. These items will be given away to those in need at Project Community Connect on January 26. Every size is needed from little kids to large adults. If you’d like your church, agency, or organization to sponsor an Undie Sunday, all you need is to put out a receptacle and a sign that you can download and print.
Project Community Connect
Project Community Connect will be on January 26, at the Elks Lodge in Long Beach, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This year, there will be two heated 20x40 foot tents, in addition to a lodge for vendors. As usual, lunch will be served in the lodge, and it will be prepared by our good friends at His Supper Table. This year, the Smile Mobile and the DSHS van will be available for our guests. Camping gear will be available for unsheltered individuals and families. We anticipate that more than 150 households will participate. This event is organized for anyone who is unsheltered, at risk of losing their shelter, or struggling to make ends meet. Please refer those who could benefit from the services offered at PCC.
Representatives from CCAP’s housing, energy, and coordinated entry will be available at the event. In addition, DSHS will have staff available to help people sign up for benefits. Other represented agencies include the Health Department, Cowlitz Family Health, Head Start, Veterans Advisory Board, Peace of Mind Pacific County, WorkSource Washington, WellSpring and many more agencies and organizations.
If your agency or organization is interested in participating, then please complete a Vendor Application Form. Volunteers are needed for the event. PPR assigns everyone attending the event a navigator to help them receive the services and information they need. To volunteer for PCC, please complete a Volunteer Application Form.
Shelter Plans
On October 20, Nancy McAllister, PPR board chair, announced PPR’s intent to develop an overnight shelter. We are now in the planning phase, and that involves looking for property, scoping out possible locations, and funding. Join the discussion on what our community wants the shelter to look like. Share your ideas for the shelter by emailing, Together, we can and will create an overnight shelter.
Searching for the Perfect Gift?
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift? How about a gift from the Holiday Grants Catalogue for South Pacific County. Rather than giving a gift to someone who has everything, you can give a Holiday Grant for a person who has nothing.
Happy Holidays
from your friends at PPR
Nancy McAllister
Elly Rosaire
Vinessa Karnofski
Magen Michaud
July Graham
Mitzi Pothier
Debby Rose
Rose Wallace
Pastor Louise Buckles
Ally Rose
Cecelia Haack